Posts Tagged "works"
Part 3 – What’s Perfect About Perfectionism
Where does imperfectionism come from? The short answer is “you.” In Part I, I said that perfectionism should actually be called imperfectionism because it’s all about finding imperfections in order to make things perfect. Then in Part 2, I gave you tools for becoming a true perfectionist — someone who finds the perfection that is already there. Now in Part 3, you can use those...
Read MorePranks Aren’t All Bad
Some people love pranks and others hate them. Mixed feelings are common. How should you respond? I overheard some parents talking about their middle school daughters playing pranks on strangers like ringing the doorbell and running away, and making prank phone calls. The parents didn’t want to come down too hard on them for fear that the girls would turn to something worse, and were...
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