Sibling Fights – Empowering Kids with Mediation

Sibling Fights – Empowering Kids with Mediation

How can you be on both your children’s sides when siblings start fighting? Zuzana Mackova, parent coach and graduate of our Coaches Training program, shows you how. Instead of jumping in to solve her sons’ fight, she WAITED, used SAY WHAT YOU SEE®, then turned the problem-solving over to them in an empowering mediation. Their solution for sharing surprised her! Loud...

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Independent or Alone?

Independent or Alone?

I used to be embarrassed about receiving help until I discovered the reason why. In a previous post, Help Is All Around, I talked about my embarrassment over receiving EMS services for a false-alarm. My embarrassment made total sense when I uncovered a belief that was telling me: “being helped = being saved = incompetent.”  Incompetent was definitely not OK with me! That belief...

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Boundaries, Family Rules, & Strong-Willed Children… Oh My!

Boundaries, Family Rules, & Strong-Willed Children… Oh My!

Annoyed, angry, surrounded by chaos? Rachel Norman of A Mother Far from Home and I recorded an in-depth call on boundaries while she was training to become an Authorized Language of Listening® Coach. We cover it all in the video in Rachel’s post, reprinted here from her blog with permission.   Recently we moved into a new house (to us). About a week or two into living there I...

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Trying to Stop a Temper Tantrum? 7 Things You Might Be Missing

Trying to Stop a Temper Tantrum?  7 Things You Might Be Missing

Language of Listening® Coach, Lauren Tamm, outlines seven things you might be missing if you are trying to stop a temper tantrum. Reprinted from her blog with permission. My daughter’s had a heck of a week when it comes to temper tantrums. It all culminated into one massive meltdown last night, when she was so inconsolable that she cried herself to sleep, stark-naked. But before I share...

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The Running Leap—Not Just for Kids

The Running Leap—Not Just for Kids

Instead of seeing your life as one step forward, two steps back, and feeling frustrated most of the time, what if you knew the two steps back were also moving you forward? That’s how a running leap works — you have to back up a few steps in order to succeed with the leap.  Knowing that gives you a powerful tool — a new way to see and manage the actions you take after you hit what feels...

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The Running Leap

The Running Leap

Have you ever seen a child jump over a stream? They don’t usually walk up to the stream, stop, and try to jump from there. They walk up, stop, and then back up far enough to get a running start. Backing up enables them to take a running leap and successfully clear the stream without falling in and getting wet. In that situation, you would never mistake a child backing up to take a running...

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