Posts Tagged "accident"

Do-Overs to the Rescue!

Do-Overs to the Rescue!

“It’s not what you do that matters most. It’s what you do AFTER what you do.”—Dr. Garry Landreth Have you ever wished you could rebuild your relationship with your child after having said or done things you didn’t like? You can! Here are 5 tips for rebuilding your connection and your relationship: 1. The first step is ALWAYS listening with your eyes and ears. This...

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Responding to Accidents & Complaints

Responding to Accidents & Complaints

Coaching begins with listening for greatness. Here are two simple Language of Listening® coaching skills that can turn any challenging moment with a child or teen into a rewarding one. 1. Accidents: Validate the intention Your child’s greatness can be found in their intentions. When a child makes a mistake or accidentally damages or breaks something, recognizing the child’s true...

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What if my kids get teased?

What if my kids get teased?

If you were ever teased about your appearance as a child and didn’t know how to respond, you may worry about the same thing happening to your kids. A mom of two boys asked*: “I’m wondering if you have any advice on helping children who have noticeable physical differences. Both of my boys have prominent ears and the oldest starts kindergarten soon. I know it is only a matter of...

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Peaceful Family Gatherings

Peaceful Family Gatherings

Whether you love holidays or hate them, holidays bring people together. But if just thinking about being with relatives or certain friends kicks off your fight/flight/freeze response, you can use these tips to bring peace to any moment: Intentions / Wishes.   A little background: Intentions and wishes are desires that arise from what you like and love. To me, what you like and love is who...

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Q & A: Contrary Child

Q & A: Contrary Child

One of our readers, Jab, asked a great question in a comment on “The Importance of Validation” about situations where SAYing WHAT YOU SEE doesn’t seem to work. As often happens here at Language of Listening, what started as a quick response turned in to a full-blown blog post! Jab asked: “I’m not having much success with SWYS. I must be missing something about it. For...

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