Posts Tagged "accident"

Easy Brain Hack: Reversing Guilt

Easy Brain Hack: Reversing Guilt

Yesterday morning, my mom and I were talking about the phrase “I should have known…”   It’s a family story, full of self-blame, passed down and shared between and within generations. The main problem with this phrase is that it implies that you’re somehow wrong for not knowing something. Think about that a minute. At any moment, you either know something or you...

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The Importance of Validation

The Importance of Validation

Validation by SAYing WHAT YOU SEE (SWYS) is one of the simplest and most effective coaching skills. This is true in any interpersonal situation, but especially with kids. I was at a restaurant recently where a large family had gathered for a birthday celebration.  It was the end of the meal, and a little girl (about 4) was running around the table and playing. Suddenly she tripped and fell...

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Unshattering Your Confidence

Unshattering Your Confidence

About a year ago a close friend had a car accident. She was driving in a parking lot at a large shopping mall, stopped at a stop sign, then pulled out to cross an esplanade (2 lanes each way with bushes planted in a divider). Just past the divider she got hit on the right side behind the front passenger seat by a big, black Suburban. It was in the left-hand lane hidden by the bushes. My...

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Learning from Childhood Accidents

Learning from Childhood Accidents

A little girl decided to take her puppy on a tricycle ride. She held the puppy in one arm and steered with the other as she rolled down a short hill with her feet up. When she hit the bottom of the hill, the trike lurched and the puppy flew out of her arms landing right in front of the front tire. She stopped, ran inside, and hid feeling scared and embarrassed. The puppy was fine; the child was...

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