Posts Tagged "confidence"

The Running Leap—Not Just for Kids

The Running Leap—Not Just for Kids

Instead of seeing your life as one step forward, two steps back, and feeling frustrated most of the time, what if you knew the two steps back were also moving you forward? That’s how a running leap works — you have to back up a few steps in order to succeed with the leap.  Knowing that gives you a powerful tool — a new way to see and manage the actions you take after you hit what feels...

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Danger-Spotter: Empowering Frightened Kids

Danger-Spotter: Empowering Frightened Kids

For parents whose children are unnerved after having witnessed or even after just hearing about scary events the most important message I have for you is this: Listen, empathize, and trust in your child’s resilience.  With your trust, support and coaching, your child can find ways to overcome any challenge and will develop valuable STRENGTHs as a result. After all, bravery and...

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How To Help a Perfectionist Child

How To Help a Perfectionist Child

Saying, “That’s OK. It doesn’t have to be perfect,” does not help a perfectionist child. I explain why in this Q&A with a mother of a 12-year-old perfectionist daughter, though the explanation applies to most ages. Question:   My biggest issue is my precious 12-year-old girl. She is a delight with a heart of gold and a perfectionist – however that is her down...

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What if my kids get teased?

What if my kids get teased?

If you were ever teased about your appearance as a child and didn’t know how to respond, you may worry about the same thing happening to your kids. A mom of two boys asked*: “I’m wondering if you have any advice on helping children who have noticeable physical differences. Both of my boys have prominent ears and the oldest starts kindergarten soon. I know it is only a matter of...

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Does Fair Mean Equal?

Does Fair Mean Equal?

Ever since we were little, my older sister Colleen has been concerned with “fairness.” She was aware of every discrepancy between the two of us, from the amount of attention we got from our parents to the number of apple slices we each had on our plates at snack time. Since we were a Language of Listening® household, my parents used Success Training to turn this hyper-awareness...

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