Posts Tagged "equation"

Being Nice or Not?

Being Nice or Not?

Telling children, “Be nice!” can have unexpected consequences. You probably know that the non-specific command, “Be nice!” is not particularly helpful for children. But worse than that, it can result in the opposite behavior. Here’s how: When “Be nice!” is spoken in a corrective or threatening tone, as in “Be nice [or else]!” kids hear it as,...

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When “Can=Have To”

When “Can=Have To”

Whenever I’m nearing a big breakthrough, I can tell. As a belief that I don’t like begins to show up in my life, my energy drops, I withdraw and feel depressed. That makes sense before a breakthrough because at the moment, the belief feels very, very true, which can make it very, very real, and in this case, very, very sad…because I was looking at giving up. Luckily, as a...

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Wrong 3

Wrong 3

Applying more logic to the collapse equation “not liking = wrong” — if things have to be wrong for me to not like them, then clearly I believe I have to like everything since I believe everything is “right” somehow. Dang-it! It’s so true. Just like Betsyyyy said in her comment on the previous entry “Wrong 2” Funny how you can know you think...

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Wrong 2

This morning I realized that not only do I not like everything that is “wrong” as I said in the previous post, (of course, how could I?) but it goes the other way, too. Everything I don’t like is just plain “wrong.” Here’s the equation for the collapsed concepts: not liking = wrong. Interesting how completely true this is for me. I’ve got to do a...

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