Wrong 3
Applying more logic to the collapse equation “not liking = wrong” — if things have to be wrong for me to not like them, then clearly I believe I have to like everything since I believe everything is “right” somehow.
Dang-it! It’s so true. Just like Betsyyyy said in her comment on the previous entry “Wrong 2”
Funny how you can know you think something, but not really know you think it until you see it from another perspective.
>>Funny how you can know you think something, but not really know you think it until you see it from another perspective.
so true! and you know, i think i’m the same way…dislike=wrong, so i have to like everything in keeping with the knowledge i have, which is that everything is right. how frustrating!
that also goes right along with me wanting to be liked by everyone, but also always needing to be right. so much so that even an apology is hard for me–it’s admitting i was wrong! the only way i can do it is when i’m able to see that NOT apologizing will make someone dislike me, so i have to admit i’m wrong to keep them happy. it’s an exhausting state of being, let me tell you.
Betsyyy, Wow! That would be the perfect opposite. Since dislike = wrong, then like = right. Ouch.
No wonder being right and making other people right are so important. (Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree thing.) Yep. You’re supposed to like everything and everybody, unless of course it/they is/are wrong! (Is that why correct grammar is so important, too? Jeez.)
Wouldn’t it be great to just see the greatness in everyone without the pressure of needing to?
I think that’s what’s on the other side of this breakthrough.
I can see that ‘wanting to be right’ is an addiction in our family, in the same vein as ‘gaining as many allies on your right side’ as possible.
Ms. Blackard I’ve followed your last few posts on this whole concept of “wrong.” First and foremost let me say that I love following your musings; they are so insightful to the process of enlightenment.
Here is my opinion on this topic. “Right” and “Wrong” are nothing more than labels…labels that are subjectively given to a circumstance or a physical object. Labels give definition and purpose – but only in the eye of the beholder. I have recently come to discover the ability to disregard all labels, and experience occurrences, things and people “raw.”
No labels, no definition, no pre-determined purpose, no judging. At this point, there is no concept of “right” or “wrong” in one’s head. The challenge of deciding between the two is gone and all I’m left with is raw, unaltered and pure experience.
When I came to this realization and began to adapt it in my daily life, it was the most amazing experience I have ever had. The only way I know to describe it is it feels like a constant buzz – there is no fear, no worry, no ego, no weight. All that’s left is this form of unconditional love, acceptance and peace. It’s a very intimate feeling.
My regret and joy is that it took me twenty-one years to come to this realization. But now the world is different to me. Every moment everything is new and beautiful.
Per Flo’s comment, I learned an interesting concept at Landmark Education years ago. They called it “agreement reality.” As I understood it, agreement is one of the ways we create our realities — the more agreement you can create, the more “real” something is. Once you get that’s how it works, you can use it as one of the tools for shifting an existing reality for you and the world.
Tchow, Beautiful description of the feeling of being present. 21 years, that’s all?!!
Betsy totally connected it for me, that this whole “wanting to be liked” thing comes from having to not be wrong. Rob showed me what it’s like on the other side, and much like Timothy described, it’s a state where there’s peace and love.
Rob told me the connection between two people is caused by their essence. Sure we talk and write to each other, but what really attracted us is the inherent qualities in the other person-their BEING. And that takes all the pressure off of what you do and whether you’re right or wrong. People just love you for who you are! What a relief.
But this one’s always tough for me to remember. Can’t wait to get there.
Colleen, Good point. I remember a number of people I knew when I was young that mystified me because I didn’t like what they did (“wrong” things) but I was still drawn to them. It defied my logic of not liking wrong things and people.
so true! that’s why we love the lexis and randis of the world…even though they do things “wrong” sometimes, they arent trying to be right. they just are, and thats enough. more than enough, that’s fantastic!
Indeed, we love Lexi and Randi no matter what they do. There’s a beacon in there for us.
But being drawn to “wrong” people also puts my “jerk syndrome” in new light. That deserves a new post and/or a YouTube.