Posts Tagged "flip"
Reclaiming Spontaneity
Do you have the freedom to “just do stuff” without overthinking? Here’s what stopped me, what STRENGTHs came out of it, and what it’s like on the other side of this breakthrough in spontaneity. Watch: Audio Only: This is the related blog post I...
Read MoreNo Friends Allowed!
When you try to SAY WHAT YOU SEE, and “it doesn’t work,” that phrase tells you that you are trying to manage your child’s behavior instead of coaching them. Kids can tell the difference, and so can you by their resistance. Here’s my coaching for Ali from the UK on how to flip a no-way-out situation for her 5 YO into fun. Her little cousin was coming over...
Read MoreHow Things Really Work
“Do what you should, and things will work out.” Does that sound familiar to you? When this belief statement came up in a private coaching session with a client I recognized it immediately because I was raised to believe it, too. “Do what you should, and things will work out,” was touted as the basic formula for success and was a close relative of the mid-western...
Read MoreFlipping Failure to Success
Sometimes our fears and breakthroughs are two sides of the same coin. One I flipped was fear of failure. As a child, I often followed a pattern of sticking to things I already knew or was sure I could master. That was me being a perfectionist — “Do it right or not at all.” I couldn’t allow myself to fail. The fear lived in my mind like a stern commandment: “You...
Read More“Wrong” Finale
I finally got it!!! I’m so excited!!! Eva Sim-Zabka, my dear friend, colleague and possibility coach, coached me through the final piece of this last night. She is so good! After my youngest sister was born, we moved, so I can place the creation of this life-long issue at age 8. At that time, I remember lying awake at night terrified. I had never been afraid of the dark or sleeping alone...
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