Posts Tagged "loss"

Big Reactions To Cancellations

Big Reactions To Cancellations

The world is, collectively, going through a very unusual time right now. People all over the world are trying to avoid exposure to a virus that we still don’t understand completely. Schools and offices are closing, social gatherings are being cancelled, and everyone is being asked to work or stay at home. Along with all of these disruptions come lots of feelings: fear for the safety of...

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Do Thoughts Cause Feelings?

Do Thoughts Cause Feelings?

    “Wake” by Colleen Blackard (Ballpoint pen drawing)       My dear friend and colleague Dr. Theresa Kellam, a licensed psychologist, focuses on feelings in her therapy practice. In Language of Listening®, we focus more on thoughts and beliefs in our life coaching. Both produce life-changing results. I remember Theresa once telling me that thoughts arose...

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Protected: Self-Guided Breakthroughs

Protected: Self-Guided Breakthroughs

A reader asked the following question after reading my post Loss or Security – Which is more real? To answer I felt I needed to describe our unique self-guided breakthrough process. This is the first time I have put it in writing and wanted to make it available to you, as well. So here it is, available through the month of May in honor of Mother’s Day Month and you! Q: Very...

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Loss or Security – Which Is More Real to You?

Loss or Security – Which Is More Real to You?

Feelings are important guides for personal growth. When you hold an adaptive belief (a belief that was important for your survival as a child but no longer serves you), feelings arise that you cannot miss because they are always the ones you don’t like. Recently I have been examining my need for safety and uncovering just how insecure I feel in life, so it’s no surprise that...

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Stuck? Quick Catalyst for Change

Stuck? Quick Catalyst for Change

If you consciously or unconsciously resist change, this simple thought could be the start of something new! This short video was inspired by my daughter Colleen and her realization that change could be additive. Wha…?!!! It certainly has worked for her on her path to achieving recognition as an artist in NYC. Let me know what you think of this quick catalyst for change: (Please excuse the...

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