Posts Tagged "lost"
No Friends Allowed!
When you try to SAY WHAT YOU SEE, and “it doesn’t work,” that phrase tells you that you are trying to manage your child’s behavior instead of coaching them. Kids can tell the difference, and so can you by their resistance. Here’s my coaching for Ali from the UK on how to flip a no-way-out situation for her 5 YO into fun. Her little cousin was coming over...
Read MoreSWYS Explained
I’ve spoken to the wonderful families at South Austin API a number of times about my award-winning book SAY WHAT YOU SEE. As attachment parents, their commitment to connection is clear. I bring the message that emotional connection depends on much more than proximity. Over the babble and cry of their toddlers and infants, I show them how – often with a child in my arms. What do you...
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