Posts Tagged "“on purpose”"

How to Respond to “Bad” Intentions

How to Respond to “Bad” Intentions

Responding to your child’s intentions rather than their actions can bring out their greatness in an instant. When a child makes a mistake or accidentally damages something or hurts someone, recognizing the child’s true intention and pointing it out tells them that you understand the real them. The relief they feel is instant, and knowing you are on their side allows them to apologize...

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“Not My Fault” Breakthrough

“Not My Fault” Breakthrough

Imagine living in a world where you are supposed to prevent all accidents, never make a mistake, and never get sick. I did…until this week when I finally broke through another subconscious belief. Suddenly the automatic reactions of blame and anger I had to spills, broken things, getting things wrong, and even getting sick made sense! I was at exercise class working out my wonderful body...

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Ending the Blame Game

Ending the Blame Game

Though I probably had two of the most loving parents on the planet, when I was growing up, if something was out of place, broken, or spilled an accusation like, “Who did this?” would ring through the house. Three of us kids would chime back, “Not me!” The guilty fourth would defend with, “It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t do it on purpose.” This attempt...

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