Posts Tagged "pattern"

Stop Your Own Knee-Jerk Habits

Stop Your Own Knee-Jerk Habits

When your child does something that scares you, is your knee-jerk reaction a yell or even a swat? Even if you are firmly committed to a peaceful home and a great relationship with your child, if you were raised with yelling and spanking, they can be extremely hard reactions to overcome. Our simple coaching skills can help. In the grocery store this week I saw this play out with a dad...

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Reclaiming Spontaneity

Reclaiming Spontaneity

  Do you have the freedom to “just do stuff” without overthinking? Here’s what stopped me, what STRENGTHs came out of it, and what it’s like on the other side of this breakthrough in spontaneity.     Watch:   Audio Only: This is the related blog post I...

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