Posts Tagged "shopping"

How Things Really Work

How Things Really Work

“Do what you should, and things will work out.” Does that sound familiar to you? When this belief statement came up in a private coaching session with a client I recognized it immediately because I was raised to believe it, too. “Do what you should, and things will work out,” was touted as the basic formula for success and was a close relative of the mid-western...

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Create Shopping Cooperation

Create Shopping Cooperation

What do you do when your child wants everything in the store? Instead of trying to reign in their wants, check your boundaries (physical, social or personal). It’s OK to buy only what you can or want to buy, and validate the rest with wishes.  An odd thing happens with wishes. When you explore the details of children’s wishes—what they love about it, what they might...

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Seeing Kids With “New Eyes”

Seeing Kids With “New Eyes”

A first-grader gets overwrought at a school party and starts to have a melt-down. Instead of telling her to settle down, the teacher says, “Seems like you’ve had enough. If you’d like, you can hide under the table with me for a little while.” According to the parent who shared this with me, it only took a couple of minutes of hiding before the child was ready to rejoin the...

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“No! Not a shoe store!!!”

“No! Not a shoe store!!!”

Shopping can bring out the best or worst in anybody, especially children. When you need to take your kids on lengthy shopping trips, remember their three basic needs: Experience, Power and Connection EXPERIENCE: Make sure your children bring something they CAN DO to keep their minds, fingers and bodies engaged in the car, in the store, and in lines. Small boredom-breaking fanny-packs or...

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