Posts Tagged "special"

What’s in a Name?

What’s in a Name?

“A rose by any other name…” doesn’t actually work for children. Names matter. If you were ever called a name you didn’t like, you know what I mean. Kimberly Maeder shared this CAN DO moment that helped her daughter, age 5, stand up for herself. When my daughter said, “I don’t like being called cute, and my friend at school calls me cute,” I said...

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Bye-bye Overwhelm

You know the feeling of overwhelm you get when you don’t get as much done as you planned and then another big project pops up?  I had a bad case of that last week. Thankfully, a good friend and life coach who is skilled at listening and using SAY WHAT YOU SEE was with me and caught something I couldn’t see for myself. The difference I felt by just being heard was instant! Thank you,...

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