Posts Tagged "strength"

Getting Back on the Same Team

Getting Back on the Same Team

You know those days with your children when nothing you do or say seems to work, when no validation of their wants is enough, and every tiny thing that comes up turns into a huge drama? I do, and I can assure you it feels so frustrating! There are days I feel like nothing is enough to fill the enormous need for power my kids have, especially my older daughter. There are few things that trigger...

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Success Training for Toddler Hitting

Success Training for Toddler Hitting

QUESTION: My 2 YO daughter is struggling with hitting. Before this began she was a very timid girl and at play dates would often get run over.   Four months ago I had a baby, and the first time I witnessed my 2 YO hitting was when she hit the baby. She was giving the baby a hug and started getting a little excited which then turned into getting a little too rough with the baby, and when I...

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Danger-Spotter: Empowering Frightened Kids

Danger-Spotter: Empowering Frightened Kids

For parents whose children are unnerved after having witnessed or even after just hearing about scary events the most important message I have for you is this: Listen, empathize, and trust in your child’s resilience.  With your trust, support and coaching, your child can find ways to overcome any challenge and will develop valuable STRENGTHs as a result. After all, bravery and...

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Positive Guidance for Negative Self-Talk

Positive Guidance for Negative Self-Talk

I smiled when I received this glowing comment in my email from a Montessori guide and mom of 2: “Language of Listening” has been without a doubt THE MOST POWERFUL approach to working with children that I have ever encountered in my 9 years as a Montessori guide (and now 4 years as a parent). I could tell you so many stories about how it’s helped me guide my very spirited 4-year...

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Safe, Not Scared

Safe, Not Scared

The world can be a dangerous place. It can be wonderful, too. Both are true. The key to raising children who love being in the world despite the danger is training. For a shining example, look up at night. The space station currently orbiting the globe is without doubt a dangerous place with countless hazards beyond human control. But the astronauts love being up there because they know how to...

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