Posts Tagged "waiting"

Fight-Flight-Freeze: A Natural Ladder from Anxiety to Freedom

Fight-Flight-Freeze: A Natural Ladder from Anxiety to Freedom

Our fight-flight-freeze response is much maligned. An article in Psychology Today says this “survival-oriented acute stress response” offers three options that amount to: battle, escaping, or becoming paralyzed and “numbing out.” All three have negative connotations in our culture; and since none rely on reason, no wonder we see this fight-flight-freeze response as a...

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I want it NOW!

I want it NOW!

“I want it NOW!!!” This demand was a clear signal to Michelle Amriel, one of our instructors in training, to go beyond validation to meet her child’s need for power. Here’s her story: I had the opportunity to use Language of Listening this afternoon, and it worked like a charm :))   I asked my 5-year-old if he was hungry for dinner. He said, “Yes!” I...

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When Needs Appear to Conflict

When Needs Appear to Conflict

“How can I provide the support and attention my three-year old needs from me and help him to be more independent at the same time?” is a question that many parents face. (See aceiatx’s question in her comment on CAN DOs Work for All Ages) The short answer is:  Provide support and attention when it’s OK with you, and model independence when it’s not. SWYS:...

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