Posts Tagged "Colleen"

Motivation Formula & How to Use It – Part 1

Motivation Formula & How to Use It – Part 1

When my daughter Betsy was in middle school, she told me through a flood of tears that she was sure she had no self-motivation. She couldn’t make herself do things she didn’t want to do. Yep, that’s the message I’d inadvertently been sending: making yourself do things you don’t want to do IS self-motivation. Of course, I was applying it to myself as well, and it led...

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Reclaiming Spontaneity

Reclaiming Spontaneity

  Do you have the freedom to “just do stuff” without overthinking? Here’s what stopped me, what STRENGTHs came out of it, and what it’s like on the other side of this breakthrough in spontaneity.     Watch:   Audio Only: This is the related blog post I...

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Blooper Video – Toddler Tea Party

I hope you get a kick out of this video snippet of my attempts at “guidance” in the years before Language of Listening®. This is where I started, and why I’m not kidding when I say, “If I can do it, anybody can!” For all the other moms (and dads) who judge themselves harshly, this is my gift to you! – Warmly, Sandy     P.S. As you can see, despite...

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Doing the Impossible $$

Doing the Impossible $$

I was emailing a writer friend, Laurie Cosbey, and this popped out. If you want to see my self-coaching process, this is me, tracking down a false belief to arrive at a powerful Say What You See phrase for myself: 9:23 AM email to Laurie: Yes, SWYS is a simple how-to for getting present – the place of all experience, connection and power. There they are  – the three basic needs*...

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