Posts Tagged "game"

“Not fair!” Could Your Child Be Right?

“Not fair!” Could Your Child Be Right?

It happened in less than five minutes. 10 YO David went from screaming, “Not fair!” when he thought he was losing, to accepting loss graciously. How? I was helping a mom with a group of 3rd-5th graders. They had just finished a craft and were bouncing off the walls with pent-up energy but had to stay inside. The mom suggested they play “Hot Potato” with a little stuffed bear. I sat with...

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When your kid runs away from you—and it’s not funny

When your kid runs away from you—and it’s not funny

Guest post reprinted with permission by Tracy Cutchlow of Q: One morning this week, we were on a walk and my toddler took off running down the sidewalk.   I was wearing his 3-week-old brother in a baby carrier, which limited my ability to chase him.  I called several times for him (with increasing intensity) to stop and wait for mamma. (Also tried saying “Red:...

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What’s Behind Whining?

What’s Behind Whining?

What’s behind whining? My answer, in a word, is powerlessness. If you think about it, children who are confident they can get what they want, ask; children who think asking won’t work, whine.  They have to because by nature, children are driven to communicate what they want, whether they can have it or not. This is explained by the first premise of Language of...

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No Friends Allowed!

No Friends Allowed!

When you try to SAY WHAT YOU SEE, and “it doesn’t work,” that phrase tells you that you are trying to manage your child’s behavior instead of coaching them. Kids can tell the difference, and so can you by their resistance. Here’s my coaching for Ali from the UK on how to flip a no-way-out situation for her 5 YO into fun. Her little cousin was coming over...

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I want it NOW!

I want it NOW!

“I want it NOW!!!” This demand was a clear signal to Michelle Amriel, one of our instructors in training, to go beyond validation to meet her child’s need for power. Here’s her story: I had the opportunity to use Language of Listening this afternoon, and it worked like a charm :))   I asked my 5-year-old if he was hungry for dinner. He said, “Yes!” I...

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