Posts Tagged "wishes"

The Perfect Response to “I want…”

The Perfect Response to “I want…”

“Being heard is more than a basic human need. It’s the key to connecting with our inner greatness and unleashing our full potential.”—Sandy Blackard You will often hear me say that what you like and what you love is who you are at any moment. What you want comes from there and determines the right level of challenge for your growth. What you want not only guides you on your...

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Drawing Out a Withdrawn Child

Drawing Out a Withdrawn Child

When a child has become withdrawn, lost touch with his wishes and is unable to access joy, what do you do? Use Language of Listening coaching skills and watch the magic unfold. In a 4th grade leadership class, the topic was how to make your wishes come true. The children were to list important wishes/unimportant wishes, then list visioning/planning strategies and sub-strategies. Step #1 was...

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I want it NOW!

I want it NOW!

“I want it NOW!!!” This demand was a clear signal to Michelle Amriel, one of our instructors in training, to go beyond validation to meet her child’s need for power. Here’s her story: I had the opportunity to use Language of Listening this afternoon, and it worked like a charm :))   I asked my 5-year-old if he was hungry for dinner. He said, “Yes!” I...

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Create Shopping Cooperation

Create Shopping Cooperation

What do you do when your child wants everything in the store? Instead of trying to reign in their wants, check your boundaries (physical, social or personal). It’s OK to buy only what you can or want to buy, and validate the rest with wishes.  An odd thing happens with wishes. When you explore the details of children’s wishes—what they love about it, what they might...

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Lust Buster

Lust Buster

In most boundary situations with children, the simple SAY WHAT YOU SEE® phrase, “You want _____,” is the best place to start. The power of validating what children want cannot be overestimated. When children know that it’s OK to want what they want, they don’t have to fight to prove it. You’ve probably heard children quickly escalate from “I want it,”...

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